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  • Writer's pictureRaheem Perry


Overcoming Lines of Trauma

Hey there fantastic fathers! Children are more than just tiny humans to raise. They are our blood lineage and will live on after our fatherhood time is finished. They are living gifts meant to succeed us.

Keep Reading Comic is at the End

Dad Joke of the Day

How many tickles does it take to make an octopus cry?

Ten Tickles



Have you ever noticed a silly knack that you picked up from one of your parents? Like having a natural sense of direction, artistic ability, or unnatural human strength. Sometimes we have to give our parents credit for passing some useful traits and learn from the traits that can be harmful.

 As fathers, we are entrusted with a precious gift - the power to shape the legacy of our bloodline. Our feature article, "Bloodline," explores the profound impact that generations can have on a dad's identity and his role in shaping the future.

Generational Trauma

The journey of fatherhood is an opportunity to rewrite history and heal from past wounds. Our spotlight piece, "Generational Trauma," delves into the significance of breaking the cycle of inherited pain and trauma. Discover strategies to overcome the impact of generational struggles, ensuring a brighter, healthier future for you and your family.

Transgenerational Transmission of Trauma (TTT) - “Research has found evidence of intergenerational transmission of trauma symptoms among families exposed to the trauma of war, genocide, slavery, violence, sexual abuse, extreme poverty, colonial suppression, totalitarian control, and terrorism (Danieli, 1990).”

Ways to Overcome Generational Trauma

  1. Therapy Time: Just like giving a car a tune-up, sometimes our minds need a little TLC. Therapy can be a healthy way to heal and grow.

  2. Improvement Starts at Home: Remember, we are all architects of our own lives. By recognizing and improving upon the things we didn’t like in our upbringing, we can create a better environment for our children. Think of it as building a better nest for your flock.

  3. Daily Self-Improvement: Each day is a new chance to be a better version of ourselves. It can include reading a parenting book, practicing patience through meditation, or taking a deep breath when things get too chaotic - every little effort counts. It’s like adding rays of sunshine to your family tree, making it grow bigger and stronger.

 Dear Fathers,

The path you walk is tiring. The burdens you carry aren’t always your own, they can be inherited, caused, or self-generated. Everyone experiences their cycles of suffering here under the sun. I ask that you put as much distance as you can between that suffering and your children. Be a cycle breaker and surpass the limitations that fell on your parents, guardians, and yourself. Pledge to be better daily. Take it one day at a time and remember the man you are today will improve with preparation for tomorrow.

Dad-Geta and Chonk Briefs Hyperbolic Tummy Time Training

(Forgive the art I had to use Photoshop instead of Clip Studio)

So there you have it, folks! Genealogy, the magic of children inheriting our quirks, and a trio of tips to break free from generational trauma.

Let's keep nurturing those family trees and watching them thrive! 🌳👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

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